

Was Brutus a smart man

Updated: 8/23/2023
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11y ago

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It depends on how you define 'good'.

He was a soldier for the majority of his life and led armed forces into battle, so he must certainly have done a fair ammount of killing. Did he commit war-time attrocities, like kill women and children, or execute enemy soldiers after they had surrendered? The answers to those questions are lost forever, but chances are that he probably did both at some time or another. There were rules regarding conduct then, just as there are now, but war is ugly business.

In his later years, he was a cunning and ambitous politician. It is well known that when he made himself emperor, he did so in blatant defiance of long standing laws designed to prevent any one individual from wielding absolute power. Did he break laws and abuse public trust? Did he threaten the members of Rome's social and political elite with war and/or assasination if they tried to oppose him? Again, probably. They didn't assasinate him for no reason. Politics is ugly business.

Julius Caesar ushered in a long period of relative peace and prosperity for Rome, but in those days, as in these days, peace is only held through the threat or application of force...peace and prosperity for one nation often means hardship and oppression for others. Also, Rome during the period of peace was no shining example of goodwill towards men...there just wasn't anyone with the power and the will to attack Rome then: they had become a formidable force, not to be attacked or challenged lightly.

All in all, Julius Caesar was most likely not an EVIL man, nor a GOOD man...but rather somewhere in between, just like about 99% of humanity.

it depends on your own personal point of view. some see him as a visionary leader who was supposed to lead his people out of a rut and others saw him as a power hungry tyrant. this is a question that is subjective to opinion. Julius Caesar was a good man and was a role model to children he loved the Romans and respected them.

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14y ago
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14y ago

Brutus, or Marcus Junius Brutus Caepio, was a Roman senator and one of several men who conspired to assassinate Julius Caesar. Although not politically ambitious, Brutus was initially a money lender who charged high interest rates then later as a senator became unsatisfied with the politics of Julius' Dictatorship in Rome (Brutus was a republican). Brutus' mother was also a mistress of Caesar's.

Based on what I've read, I would not consider Brutus a good man.

Cheers Malcolm

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13y ago

Julius Cesar was a good man at first, he was a military hero who seized power and made reforms, but that all changed after he had become emperor. When Julius Cesar became emperor he had all this power, soon after, Cesar started taking advantage of his power which led to his death.

Just a slight correction in terms here. Julius Caesar was never an emperor. He was a dictator, which was a political office under the republican form of government. Although the powers of both emperor and dictator were identical, there was a great difference in the power structure. An emperor had supreme power and could designate his successor. A dictator (ideally) had supreme power for a limited period of time and had no authority to appoint a successor.

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12y ago

this is a very conplex question that could be asked in an exam. I could go on for hours but I wil just make a few breif points:

brutus was noble because he~

* killed Caesar for all the right reasons

* thought about all his moral dialemmas and important dicissions logically and slowly and therefore made the 'right' decisions

* ended up committing suicide because he thoght it was more honorable to do so then to be slaughtered.

Brutus wasn't noble because he~

* let himself be manipulated by Cassius multiple times

* murdered someone who 'loved' (as a friend) him so much

so yar

get it now :)

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11y ago

Perhaps. We know that he was very well educated and is described by some historians as an intellectual. He was also totally out of touch with the common people of Rome and their expectations, as was proved by his reported astonishment that the people of Rome were not grateful that Caesar was dead.

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10y ago

well yes he killed Ceaser for the which he believed were right reasons therefore they were not however Cassious and te conspiriters peruadead him too

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12y ago


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