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Q: Was Belgium politically controlled by the soviet union before World War 2?
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What was meant by the term soviet satellite?

During the Cold War, a Soviet satellite referred to a country that was politically and militarily aligned with the Soviet Union. These countries were often controlled or heavily influenced by the Soviet government.

Were the iron curtain countries controlled by nazi Germany or Soviet Union?

The Iron Curtain countries were the Soviet Union, controlled by Russia.

Which area of Europe was influenced and controlled by the Soviet Union?

Eastern Europe was influenced and controlled by the Soviet Union.

What was the Soviet Bloc?

Group of people controlled by the Soviet Union

What successes did the axis have in Europe?

They conquered Poland, the Netherlands, Belgium, France and a portion of the Soviet Union before the Allies began to have any success.

Winston Churchill's describing Soviet Controlled Eastern Europe?

His description was an 'Iron Curtain' had descended upon Soviet controlled territories .

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A country that was economically and politically dependent on the Soviet Union was called a?

Satallite State.

Who was the leader before Stalin came to power?

The official leader of the Soviet Union was Vladimir Lenin, and after a long battle with Leon Trotsky, both politically and literally, Stalin eventually gained control of the Soviet Union.

Who controlled East Germany?

Soviet Union

When Before 1992 the Soviet Union was an example of a economy?

State capitalism, where the state owned the means of production, most people had to work for a wage, and those who controlled the state formed the ruling class.

Where was the Soviet afgan war?

In small soviet controlled cities outside of the mountains grasp.