Most definitely.
Darwin, capital city of the Northern Territory, was first bombed on 19 February 1942. The 20 minute attack concentrated on the Darwin RAAF Airfield. At least 243 civilians and military personnel were killed, not to mention the hundreds of Indigenous Australians, the official figure for which will never be known. Darwin's naval base was essentially abandoned following the attack. Darwin went on to be bombed about 60 times up until November 1943.
These initial attacks were the first of about 100 Japanese air raids against Australia during 1942-43. Other attacks included:
because of economic treatys other countries were forced to after Germany used the assasination of archduke ferdinad as a reson to go to war.
Answer: the most sick, horrible and discusting thing that prisnors in World War 2 had to do was trying to get through every day, and if the army's were not doing good they would be forced to go to war against their wishes or they would be killed.
Men were forced to fight in both world wars because their countries said it was compulsory for men of a certain age to fight for their country. This was called conscription where every man in every town and city signed up to go to war unless you were too old, too young, had a Disability or a very important job.
Australia was in World War 2. They declared war on September 3, 1939 in response to the invasion of Poland along with Britain, France, and Canada Australia operated very fluently with the British, mostly aiding them in their tasks. The Canadians operated somewhat like this, but also took on their on tasks. Australia had important bases for ships (war and cargo) to go through that was vital to the war effort. Some people would even argue this was Australia's most useful contribution to the war. The Australians battled from start to finish, almost a million australians served. 27,000 of them died. The Australian Air Force also played a very key role, particuarly in the South Pacific.
An ANZAC I saw interviewed on television said that he and his comrades did it mainly because they saw it as an adventure. The war was something which allowed them to get out of Australia and New Zealand and go to another part of the world.
they weren't forced they had lost 90% of their fuel from America
to get freedom Australia had to go to a war because people from other countries are destroying Australia.
They were forced to due to conscription
because of economic treatys other countries were forced to after Germany used the assasination of archduke ferdinad as a reson to go to war.
Gallipoli, in Turkey, Eastern Mediterranean.
In the summer of 1941. (The Germans won that campaign.)
Your question doesn't make sense, but most men in Australia during world war two fought in the war. Some that didn't go help support the war
No, the opposite we were allies with Poland. When Hitler first invaded Poland, Australia along with Britain and New Zealand immediately responded by declaring war on Germany.
Yes, during WW1 and WW2, there was no conscriprtion (compulsory military service). Soldiers went to war by choice. But in the Vietnam war, conscription was introduce in Australia and the soldiers were forced for the Vietnam war to go and fight.
No, but they chose to support the British (and, most Australians are of British descent).
well yes and no. Australia was still a colony of Britain so they couldn't declare war but there were battles in the pacific in order to protect Australia and there were Australians at D-Day. So even though they didn't go to war Australians were fighting in the British Army, Navy, etc.