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No one is sure where exactly Jackson was born. A log cabin is a distinct possibility, I think.

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Q: Was Andrew Jackson born in a log cabin?
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Which US presidents were born in a log cabin?

Andrew Jackson would be a good guess and is right if Jackson was indeed born in a log cabin. Details about Jackson's birth are not known but his family was poor enough that a log cabin is surely possible. If Jackson was not born in a log cabin, then Zachary Taylor is the next possibility. However Taylor's birthplace is also uncertain and although some think he was born in a log cabin, he may have well been born in a frame house. Millard Fillmore was certainly born in a log cabin and is first if Jackson and Taylor do not qualify. Thanks for the feedback

Who was the second president born in a log cabin?

Millard Fillmore would be a good guess. He was born in a log cabin, but the guess concerns how many before him. were born in a log cabin. It is rather likely but not certain. that Andrew Jackson was born in a log cabin. Zachary Taylor may also have been born in a log cabin, so he may be second. If neither Jackson not Taylor was in fact born in a log cabin, then Fillmore would be first and James Buchanan would be second.

First president to live in a log cabin?

Andrew Jackson was the first US President to live in a log cabin. Jackson was the seventh President of the United States.

What was unusual about Andrew Jackson's birth place?

Andrew Jackson was born to a poor farming family in Waxhaw, South Carolina. And unlike earlier presidents, he was the first one to be born in a log cabin.

Who was the first president to live in a log cabin?

Andrew Jackson was the first president who lived on the frontier and lived in log cabins from time to time. He may have been born in a log cabin, but if not, he must have lived in a log cabin after he moved to western Tennessee. He was the first who might have been called a "log cabin president".

Who siad the slogan the log cabin candidate the people's chocie?

Andrew Jackson

Was the seventeenth president born in a log cabin?

Yes. The 17th president was Andrew Johnson and he was born in a log cabin in NC.

Which president lied about being born in a log cabin?

Several American Presidents were born in log cabins including Lincoln, Andrew Jackson and James Buchannan. William Henry Harrison during the 1840 election lied about being born in a log cabin.

Which us President was born in a log cabin on the North Carolina frontier?

Andrew Jackson was likely born in a log cabin or maybe a wagon. The exact place of his birth is not known, but his mother was in humble circumstances to be sure. Similarly for Zachary Taylor. although his parents were somewhat richer than Jackson's. He may have been born in a cabin on a plantation, but maybe in the main house . Millard Fillmore, James Buchanan, Abraham Lincoln,Andrew Johnson, Ulysses Grant and James Garfield were born in cabins or cottages. Eisenhower was born in a rented room. Harry Truman and Lyndon Johnson were born in small farmhouses. Hoover was born in a cottage. Reagan was born in a rented up-stairs apartment above a bakery.

What president was known as log cabin president?

Lincoln , Fillmore, Buchanan and Garfield were definitely born in log cabins. The exact birthplace of Jackson and Taylor is not known. Jackson is likely to have been born in a log cabin- Taylor less likely but quite possibly. Andrew Johnson was born in a small log house. Grant was born in a very small house that was partially made of logs, I think. William Henry Harrison may have lived in a log house for awhile when he first went to Indiana.

Which president was born in a cabin?

Fillmore and Lincoln were born in log cabins. I am not sure of the definition of cabin, but Andrew Johnson and Grant were born in very small houses.

Which was the first president to live in a log cabin and get elected by a national convention?

Andrew Jackson is probably the man you have in mind. He was the first to be nominated at a national convention and to run for a national party and he had lived in a log cabin from time to time when he was young.