No. He was born into a Catholic family and had a Catholic upbringing.
Adolf Hitler was after the Jews. He wanted all the Jews dead.. He wanted the girls to have blue eyes and blonde hair
your mum dislike the Jews
Adolf Hitler was responsible for the death of thousands of Jews. Because he thought they were a race but they wasn't
It is very likely that she did hold the same beliefs Hitler did about Jews.
Adolf Hitler killed 6 million jews.
Adolf Hitler was after the Jews. He wanted all the Jews dead.. He wanted the girls to have blue eyes and blonde hair
adolf Hitler wanted to rid the world of the Jews who he believed were the scum of the earth, during the holocaust Hitler killed many Jews.
Hitler killed Jews.
Adolf Hitler
The Jews
The point was that Jews were not wanted, Hitler tried to get rid of the Jews, by one method or another.
he stole money
goodbye to all jews
The Jews.