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Q: Was Abigail Williams accused of witchcraft or an accuser?
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Was there gossip about Abigail Williams?

Abigail Williams was an accuser during the Salem Witch Trials. There was gossip that Abigail was afflicted by witchcraft by a doctor.

Where did the Witchcraft Phenomenon take place?

If you're talking about the one where people got hanged for being witches in the early history of New England, it mostly took place in Salem, Massachusetts. John Procter and Rebbecca Nurse were two of the accused and convicted that were hanged. Abigail Williams was his main accuser who years later admitted that she fabricated the story that caused all of the hysteria.

What are the Rights of the accused when accuser is a minor?

The law does not change because of the accuser's age. The accused has the same rights as if the accuser were an adult.

In court who is asked for proof first the accuser or the accused?

The prosecution (the accuser) gets to present their case first.

Definition parties to a lawsuit?

The plaintiff is the accuser and the defendant is the accused.

Do you have the right to confront your accuser at your place of employment?

No you do not have the right to face your accuser at work. The law only applies in court.

How long do the accused have before the accuser has to present them with actual charges?

72 hours

If you are accused of something and you didn't do it do you have the right to know accuser?

Yes, since if you are accused of something the you didn't do, that is slander. If it is serious, you can even choose to sue he/she.

Under roman law persons accused of a crime?

Had the right to face the accuser and offer a defense.

How did Liliuokalani respond when accused of being responsible for 1895 rebellion?

she had a period and got horny with the accuser.

Rights of the accused in court?

A right to representation - to be faced with their accuser - and a fair and impartial trial by a jury of their peers.

Who was involved in the witch trials 1612?

almost the entire town of Salem. if they were accused or accuser's, they were at least affected by it.