seven areas where native American developed different ways of living
they lived in different places in north America so they had to adapt to their envirment in different ways
Native Americans had distinct cultural traditions depending on their tribes. Each tribe had its own values and belief systems that differed from those of other tribes.
Native Americans
Is this your question?"(What) effect did Native Americans (have) on aspects of (the lives) of European(s) living in America?"
seven areas where native American developed different ways of living
they lived in different places in north America so they had to adapt to their envirment in different ways
As Native Americans spread out , they began to develope different cultures. These cultures were sharped by the environment in which people lved
its stupid question
cultural regions
ciff dwellings
Its called Google.
The Utes
If the population in 1990 in Kansas was 2,477,547 which included 21,965 Native Americans, the percent of people living in Kansas who were Native Americans is just under .1%.
When the Native Americans arrived, approximately 10,000 years ago, no other human beings were living in the Americas.