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Q: WHAT advantages of town life for many former serfs?
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Were the serfs forced to fight in the army after the emancipation in Russia?

In theory, serfs were supposed to be protected by their lords. This might have meant that in theory, the serfs should not have got involved in wars. Another way of interpreting this theory was that the serfs were to be protected by organizing them for defense. But one way or the other, the serfs got involved in the wars, either as participants or as victims. There is a link below to the section on serfs' duties in an article on serfdom. According to it, there is some debate on whether serfs could be legally required to fight in combat. My bet is that the laws varied depending on time and place, and that any rule protecting the serfs was bound to be broken as required by the lord.

How did serfs become the merchants who formed the new middle class?

Some serfs left their manors, with or without permission, and settled in towns and cities. In some cases they were encouraged to do so by monarchs who wanted to make the cities grow. Most of these serfs remained laborers, but a few started businesses and were able to achieve a measure of middle class prosperity. You should understand that the middle class was not made up of former serfs, however. People of the middle class, who were neither land owners, nor serfs, nor clergy, had been around since ancient times. Many craftsmen, artisans, and business owners lived and worked during the entire Middle Ages. The serfs were not even the only people moving into the middle class, as the younger children of nobility sometimes moved to cities and used the educations they had received to be lawyers, doctors, and other members of wealthy middle class society.

After serfs gained ther freedom what is true of their conditions?

After the serfs gained their freedom, they were able to move about, but they had lost the security of being serfs, who had rights to the land, and so were not really much better off than they had been in many cases. In fact, in some cases, they were considerably worse off.

What was the occupation of a serf in the middle ages?

Most commonly, serfs were farmers, but there were many other things they did. They could be miners, foresters, or porters. They provided most of the labor to build roads and castles. In some cases, they worked on boats or drove wagons. There were special jobs they could do, if they were very good. The reeve, who was a supervisor for the serfs on a manor, was usually a serfs who had either been appointed by the lord or elected by the serfs.

Why did the Russians emancipate their serfs and with what results?

For the first time, the serfs were not tied to the land, and had the opportunity to work for their own benefit. Although it seemed to be a great act that would benefit the serfs above all others, this was not entirely true. The compensation of the landowners far outweighed what the serfs were able to gain. The land that they were provided, was not of the same quality the landlords kept for themselves.

Related questions

How did the Emancipation Edict affect the quality of life for serfs?

The Emancipation Edict liberated serfs from their status as chattel slaves, allowing them more freedom to make choices about their lives and work. However, many former serfs faced challenges such as lack of land, resources, and education, which impacted their quality of life.

What was life during the Middle Ages?

Life in the middle ages was hard. Many of the peasants or serfs lived in huts. The lords and Ladies usually owned an estate, were many serfs would work. They would pay part of all they grew to the lords and Ladies.

How many serfs are in Russia?

There are no serfs in Russia today.

Freeing the serfs did what for the Russians?

In practical effects, it did nothing. Serfs were bound to the land that they worked. When Tsar Alexander II issued the Emancipation Manifesto it freed the serfs but created economic conditions that made it impractical to leave. The Russian government took land from the owners but paid them for it. Then the serfs were required to repay the government with what were called "redemption payments." Typically, redemption took about 49 years. Serfs were free to leave but if they did leave they had no land to work. Many left for the cities to work in factories instead. If former serfs wanted to own their own farms, they had to pay the redemption payments first.

What are advantages and disadvantages of adoption?

There are a great many advantages and disadvantages of adoption. Advantages include saving a child's life from what they came from.

Were the serfs forced to fight in the army after the emancipation in Russia?

In theory, serfs were supposed to be protected by their lords. This might have meant that in theory, the serfs should not have got involved in wars. Another way of interpreting this theory was that the serfs were to be protected by organizing them for defense. But one way or the other, the serfs got involved in the wars, either as participants or as victims. There is a link below to the section on serfs' duties in an article on serfdom. According to it, there is some debate on whether serfs could be legally required to fight in combat. My bet is that the laws varied depending on time and place, and that any rule protecting the serfs was bound to be broken as required by the lord.

How many serfs in two fiefs?


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There are many known advantages one might receive for using the life link services. One such benefit is that of employment services and opportunities to customers.

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Many of them have long life parts. They are economical. They are ecologically better.

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The advantages of branding for the manufacturer are many. A powerful brand can place a premium price for their products as well as retain customers for life.

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The advantages of branding for the manufacturer are many. A powerful brand can place a premium price for their products as well as retain customers for life.

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