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Who brought African-Americans to America?

Most were brought to North America between 1650 and 1800. Most arrived on Spanish ships. During this period of time these Spanish ships delivered about 12 million black people all over the world. Only 645,000 were brought to what is now known as the United States.

Who invented party?

Parties were brought to america by the spanish and native americans. An English man Peter Oldroyd invented the concept of the Party Popper.

What are the most major ethnic groups in latin America?

white, spanish, Portuguese, African Americans, and indigenous people (native Americans)

When were slaves brought to America?

The first African slaves were brought to Jamestown, Virginia in 1619. They were delivered by Dutch traders who had captured them from a Spanish slave ship.

How did it affect America when horses were brought to America?

The Americans got the idea of using horses for hunting, traveling, etc. after the Spanish invaded America. The Spanish inspired the Americans to use the horses in the ways listed above. America found a quick way to travel, or transport things when horses came into use in America.

What languages are spoken by African Americans?

English is the most commonly spoken language among African Americans. Additionally, some African Americans also speak African languages such as Yoruba, Igbo, or Twi, depending on their heritage or upbringing. Spanish is another language that some African Americans may speak, particularly if they have roots in Latin America or the Caribbean.

When did the 'Iroquois' get horses?

The Iroquois got horses after the Spanish brought them over to America in the 1600s. There were no horses in America before the Spanish introduced them to the Indians.

What brought spanish people to the Americans?

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What was brought to Latin America by the Spanish?


What people brought the guitar to America?


Who were the first to bring African to America as slaves?

The first African slaves were brought to the American colonies by the Spanish. They were located in the San Miguel de Gualdape colony, founded by Lucas Vasquez de Ayllon.

A type of cattle brought to the Americans by the spanish?
