

Vikings were mostly

Updated: 12/8/2022
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12y ago

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Tall and fair skinned

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Q: Vikings were mostly
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What did the vikings mostly eat?

Their diet mostly consisted of meat

What did the vikings do in their lives?

They were mostly farmers.

What mostly were Vikings?

tall and fair skinned

Where did the vikings originaly come from?

Norway, & Scandanavia mostly.

What is vikings religion?

Mostly Anti religion, some pagans.

How much fighting did the vikings do?

they fight mostly all the time !

What caused Vikings to turn Christian?

Mostly from pressure from their kings.

Where did the vikings explore in north America?

The Vikings mostly explored Labrador, Newfoundland and around the Canadian Maritime Provinces.

Where did vikings get their crops from?

Vikings mostly grew rye, barley, and wheat. Vikings made bread and grew fruit. They hunted seals and whales. they ate from wooden spoons and bowls. Vikings drank from things called "Drinking horns"

What kind of landforms did the Vikings setttle on?

Mostly islands. Iceland, Greenland, the Faroe Islands.

What did the vikings ate?

Mostly fish or some meat, but they might eat whatever they found in the middle ages.

What region of Europe do vikings come from?

they were mostly from Norway and southern Sweden. The swedes advanced into russia and the east and the norwigian vikings went west, such as England France even the city Istanbul and Newfoundland in Canada today.