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The first step is racial identification, technically they would be Eurasian (European and Asian descent). Second step is to ID (identify) the area the father was assigned; MR-1, MR-2, MR-3, or MR-4 (Military Region 1, 2, 3, or 4...also called I Corps, II Corps, III Corps, and IV Corps). Most Vietnam War maps will depict those zones; they were in effect for nearly the whole war. Special maps, available on line from military speciality stores will show which units were assigned to which zone; although they will be predominently US Army units. Obtain the book; "Vietnam Order of Battle" by Shelby. This book will show EVERY US unit in RVN (Republic of South Vietnam), who commanded the unit, how many men were assigned to it, what areas the unit worked in...and what year they worked that region. After ID'ing the father's unit/date/region, then contact the "Unit's Association" on line; example: The 3/5 Armored Cavalry Association Vietnam; or the 1/502nd Regiment Vietnam; etc. Those associations will have men that were in those particular units in Vietnam. They often assist people who are connected to the unit & Vietnam in some way.

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During WWII those children were often called "war babies", akin to the "war brides", that US GI's socialized with in Germany, Japan, and Italy; normally just after the war, during occupation.

In Vietnam, the very same thing occurred; war babies and war brides. Offspring between US Caucasian Servicemen and Vietnamese women are Eurasians (European descent fathers and Asian mothers). Nationality termed American-Vietnamese children.

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