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For example:

The Americans declared independance.

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Q: Use independence in a sentence
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Use the Declaration of Independence in a sentence?

the declaration of independence was signed July 4th

How do you use the work independence in a sentence?

The United States won its independence from England in 1783.

How can your 8 year old use the word independence in a sentence?

The fourth of July is Independence day.

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Many countries experience revolution to gain independence from the current regime.

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When you become a collegian, you have more independence and more responsibility for yourself.

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As soon as the new country gained independence, the people decided to have a monarchy for their government.

Use martyred in a sentence?

The brave soldier martyred on his country's independence day. He must have had a martyr complex.

What is an example sentence of independence?

Independence Day is on the fourth of July.

A sentence for the word independence?

I used independence,my teach had said to me

How do you use the word signed in a sentence?

A voluminous amount of denizens signed the Declaration of Independence.

What is an example sentence for the word 'independence'?

Here is an example of how to use the word Independence in a sentence.The Confederate States of America seceded from the Union, thereby declaring its independence from the other states and becoming a separate country.

Can you make a sentence with the word independence?

Don't you remember it's independence day! ( easy!)