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1. Light Cruiser USS Oklahoma suffered light damage due to a bomb attack by NVAF MiG17 in 1972.

2. Destroyer USS Higbee suffered heavy damage when it's aft 5 inch mount was destroyed by a direct hit from the same attack involving the USS Oklahoma in 1972. Only it was a separate MiG17. One NVAF MiG each attacked one warship each.

3. USNS Card (former CVE-11 escort aircraft carrier) sank in Saigon harbor from VC frogmen in 1964. (Sapper attack).

4. Destroyer USS Maddox did receive 25mm hit from NVN P4 Torpedo Boat attack on 02 August 1964. Torpedoes missed however.

5. USS Oriskany-Fire; very heavy damage

6. USS Enterprise-Fire; very heavy damage

7. USN Brown Water Navy Riverine Boats-Swift Boats (PCF-Patrol Boat Fast); PBRs (Patrol Boat River); Alpha Boats (ASPB-Assault Support Patrol Boats); Monitors (River Battleships). Several of each category of Riverine craft were sunk during the war.

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Hi there, From my research, the Russian Navy currently have 526 Navy Ships. Hope this helped!