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all the rest of the Louisiana Purchase north of the southern border of Missouri.

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Janelle Nader

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all the rest of the Louisiana Purchase north of the southern border of Missouri.

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Q: Under the Missouri compromise where was slavery prohibited?
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How does The Missouri Compromise change the issue of slavery expansion in the US?

It prohibited slavery North of a certain parallel, but only in the territories brought in under the Louisiana Purchase. When the new Mexican territories came in, they needed a new compromise. That one did not hold.

The Missouri Compromise dealt with?

Under the Missouri Compromise of 1820 Missouri was admitted as a slave state and Maine as a free state.

Compare and contrast the Compromise of 1850 and the Missouri Compromise of 1820?

The Compromise of 1850 can be compared to the Compromise of 1820 (Missouri Compromise), mainly by comparing how the two compromises were different and alike in how they were able to successfully appease both the North and the South on the issue of slavery. The Compromise of 1850 was designed to prevent the South from seceding, and delaying the Civil War. It was created mostly to deal with the problem on how to annex California into the Union, because the North and the South disputed over whether or not to split California into two different states, the Northern section being slave-free, and the Southern section allowing slavery. The Compromise of 1820 prohibited slavery above the line of 30o60' North, except in Missouri, therefore solving the problem of how to divide the land acquired by the Union in the Mexican War.

Do The Missouri Compromise of 1820 made slavery illegal in all states north of a specific geographical boundary?

Yes. It was Missouri's Southern border that became the parallel.

What two states where admitted to union as part of the Missouri compromise?

Maine and Missouri were admitted to the Union as part of the Missouri Compromise of 1820.

Related questions

Which area was banned from slavery in 1819?

The area that was banned from slavery in 1819 was the Territory of Missouri under the Missouri Compromise. This legislation prohibited slavery north of the 36°30' parallel within the territory, with the exception of Missouri itself.

Under The Missouri Compromise Missouri was admitted as a slave state Maine was admitted as a free state and?

slavery was prohibited in the northern part of the louisiana purchase

What factor was used to decide whether or not an area could be open to slavery according to the Missouri compromise?

The factor used to decide whether an area could be open to slavery under the Missouri Compromise was its geographical location. This compromise established a line at latitude 36°30' where slavery would be permitted south of the line and prohibited north of it, with the exception of Missouri.

How does The Missouri Compromise change the issue of slavery expansion in the US?

It prohibited slavery North of a certain parallel, but only in the territories brought in under the Louisiana Purchase. When the new Mexican territories came in, they needed a new compromise. That one did not hold.

The Missouri Compromise dealt with?

Under the Missouri Compromise of 1820 Missouri was admitted as a slave state and Maine as a free state.

What states were added to the union as a result of the Missouri compromise?

Maine. Missouri would enter as a slave state, and rest of the Louisiana Territory latitude 36o30' slavery was prohibited.

What law allowed Maine to enter the union as a free state?

Maine was admitted to the union on 15th March, 1820 under the Missouri Compromise. This compromise was basically between pro-slavery and anti-slavery factions in US congress, regarding regulation of slavery in Western states.

The Missouri compromise decided the legality of slavery in the new states Missouri and?

Under the Missouri Compromise of 1820 Missouri was admitted as a slave state and Maine as a free state.

When was The Missouri Compromise passed?

March 3, 1820 The Missouri Compromise was passed on March 3, 1820. It was a bill that temporarily resolved the first major political clash between slavery and anti slavery interests.

How did the dred Scot decision affect the Missouri compromise and the expansion of slavery?

The Dred Scott Case completely nullified the Missouri Compromise. It ruled that slavery was protected under the 5th Amendment because slaves were property. The verdict was that slavery could not be outlawed in any territory.

What was Dred Scott argument to the supreme court?

Dred Scott argued that his time living in free territories should have made him a free man, as these territories prohibited slavery. He claimed that this should have nullified his status as a slave under the Missouri Compromise.

The Missouri Compromise of 1820 provided that?

A line in the sand, banning slavery anywhere North of a particular parallel in all the territories acquired from France in the Louisiana Purchase. This would keep a balance between slave-states and free soil, so that voting in Congress would be even-handed.