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Popular sovereignty was the right of the residents of these territories to vote themselves on the issue of slavery (in this case). In the Compromise of 1850, the territories of New Mexico and Utah were granted popular sovereignty to decide for themselves if slavery should be allowed or not in these areas.

U.S. Constitutional Amendment XIII was ratified December 6, 1865. It states:

"Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation."

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Q: Under popular sovereignty who would declare whether slavery would be allowed in a territory?
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Did the north like popular sovereignty?

No most northerners did not like popular sovereignty because it violated the Missouri compromise. The South was in favor of popular sovereignty because it allowed the people to decide if slavery would be allowed in a new territory.

Under popular sovereignty who decides whether slavery would be allowed in a territory?

Under popular sovereignty, the residents of the territory would ultimately decide whether slavery would be allowed. This principle meant that the people living in a particular territory would determine their own laws and institutions, including the decision on the legality of slavery.

The concept that a territory should be allowed to decide wheather to have slavery was known as?

popular sovereignty

The concept that a territory should be allowed to decide whether to have slavery known as?

Popular sovereignty

What was meant by popular sovereignty?

Popular sovereignty is when a majority vote within a region or state determines its policies. The Kansas-Nebraska act of 1854 allowed popular sovereignty to decide whether a territory was to be a free state or a slave state.

Why was popular sovereignty so well-supported as a just and fair way to settle the slavery question?

Popular sovereignty was well supported because it allowed the local citizens of a territory to decide if slavery was to be allowed or illegal. Stephen A. Douglas pushed for popular sovereignty during the 1840's.

Who will decide whether slavery would be allowed in a territory under popular sovereignty?

Under popular sovereignty, the decision on whether slavery would be allowed in a territory is typically made by the residents of that territory through a vote or referendum. This allows the people living in the area to determine the status of slavery based on majority rule.

What idea was that Citizens of each new territory should be allowed to decide if they wanted to permit slavery?

Popular Sovereignty

What is the practice of allowing each territory to decide for itself whether or not to allow slavery?

the sovereignty of each state, known as popular sovereignty

The people of each territory were allowed to decide whether it should be free or slave?

The Great Debate. I think.. (New respondent) Popular Sovereignty

What term means to vote for or against slavery in a territory?

Popular sovereignty is the term that means people could determine, through voting themselves, where to allow slavery in a territory. Another term used is sovereignty of the people.

According to the idea of popular sovereignty which of the following would decide whether slavery would be allowed in a territory?

According to the idea of popular sovereignty, the residents of a territory would decide whether slavery would be allowed through a vote or referendum. The principle is based on the belief that the power and legitimacy of the government stem from the consent of the people living in that area.