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The apes attacked and fought the battle until dawn.

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Q: Under Johnson and his commander of MACY General Westmoreland how would you characteruze the escalation of the war?
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Who was the commander of us forces in Vietnam?

General William Westmoreland

Who was the American commander in south Vietnam in the 1960s?

General William Westmoreland was .

How did the escalation of the Vietnam war under Johnson and General Westmoreland occur?

With the massive build up of men, from 1965 onward, 500,000 men at the peak of the war.

Who was the top US commander in Vietnam?

There were several generals in charge over the course of the war: General Westmoreland is the best known as had it during the 70's.

Who was the leader of the US troops during the Vietnam War?

General Westmoreland was the commander of all U.S. forces during Vietnam.

Commander of us forces in Vietnam?

WWII veterans; Generals Harkins, Westmoreland, Abrams.

Was President Johnson nearly defeated by anti-war candidate William Westmoreland?

General Westmoreland was commander of US forces in South Vietnam during LBJs administration.

General William C Westmoreland Vietnam War?

USA GEN Paul Harkins was the first commander in Vietnam, he had served on GEN Patton's staff during WWII. Westmoreland was the second commander replacing Harkins in '64; Westmoreland was also a WWII veteran serving with 9th ID as a COL. Westmoreland was relieved in '69 by GEN Abrams, also a WWII vet, he had served under GEN Patton also, as a Tank Battalion Commander. Vietnam was fought by WWII leaders; which explains why so much firepower was consumed searching for and trying to destroy the enemy.

How tall was general William westmoreland?

General William Westmoreland was approximately 6 feet (183 cm) tall.

Us army paratrooper general in Vietnam?

General Westmoreland

Who was the Time Magazine Person of the Year in 1965?

The Time Magazine Person of the Year in 1965 was General William Westmoreland, the U.S. military commander in Vietnam during the early years of the Vietnam War.

Us paratrooper general in Vietnam?
