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Q: Truefalse was the largest white ethnic groups in the colonies were the Germans and Scots-Irish?
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What was the largest group of white non-English immigrants to come to America during the 1700s?

The Germans and Irish are the two largest non-English immigrant groups to the colonies, respectively. I do not remember the reason for the German immigration, but a potato famine prompted the Irish immigration. Most Germans settled in Pennsylvania.

Who were the largest group of immigrants from continental Europe?

Germans were the largest.

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There are no more colonies in Africa. The last one (Southern Rhodesia) became independent from the United Kingdom in 1980. The nation that had the largest colonies in terms of land mass was France.

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Philadelphia was the largest city in the English colonies during the colonial period. It was the most populous city and served as a crucial economic and political hub in the region.

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shared with Austria is Lake Constance

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