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Q: Treatment of Gangrene during Civil War?
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What did Canada do during the Civil War?

Canada was British territory & remained neutral during the Civil War

Was Lincoln shot during or after the Civil War?

Lincoln was shot after the civil war

Was John Quincy Adams president during the civil war?

No, Abraham Lincoln was the President during the Civil War.

When did the civil war battles take place?

During the Civil war in 1861 to 1865

What is a Civil War general?

Someone who commanded the major armies during the Civil War

Related questions

Treatment for gas gangrene?

{| |- | There was only one main treatment for gangrene at the time of the Civil War. The only way to save their lives was to amputate that limb. Thousands upon thousands of soldiers lost arms and legs in during the Civil War. |}

What role did gangrene play in the civil war?

{| |- | Gangrene and infection where major problems during the Civil War. Because of them, the typical treatment for a shattered limb was amputation. Tens of thousands of soldiers lost legs and arms in order to prevent gangrene, or to remove limbs already infected with it. |}

Was the word gangrene used during the civil war?

yes, yes it was.

Where did gangrene occurred during the civil war e.g. in prisoner of war camps on the frontline?

anywhere there was an open wound......! do you know what causes gangrene?

Did Clara Barton use bromine for gangrene patients?

No, Clara Barton did not use bromine for gangrene patients. She was a pioneering nurse during the Civil War and focused on providing medical care, supplies, and support to wounded soldiers on the battlefield. Bromine was not a commonly used treatment for gangrene during that time.

What was the gangrene during the US Civil War?

Gangrene is a disease; it was not limited to the Civil War. Basically, it's the rotting of the body (while still alive) due to infection. It happened often in wartime because of the lack of proper sanitation.

Who discovered gangrene?

Gangrene has no know discovery. Researchers say that gangrene was first found in the wounds of Civil War patients. Many people died in the Civil War because of this. Around 30,000-45,000 died because of gangrene infected wounds.

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What was the death toll of gangrene related deaths in the Civil War?

While it is not known for sure, the total would be in the tens of thousands. About two thirds of the deaths in the Civil War was due to disease including gangrene.

How was medical treatment during the Civil War?

During the American Civil War , medical treatment was crude where amputations were done without the benefit of anesthesia and there were more who died from disease than through warfare .

How many people died from gangrene during the Civil War?

30,000 sicknesses killed more people during the war than bullets, mortar, cannons.

What were major sicknesses during WW1 and World War 2?

Malaria, Cholera, Typhus, Gangrene, Influenza,