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J'aime ce film et ces acteurs.

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Q: Translate i like this film and these actors into french?
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How do you translate reborn into french?

If my French is correct then you translate it like 'renaît'.

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french: "parfois, j'aime ca"

Can you please translate the following French sentences to English?

Of course! Please provide the French sentences you would like me to translate.

What does contact us mean in french like can you translate it please?

In French it is: Contactez-nous

Do you speak English translate in french?

no but I like to answer English to french questions using Google translate

What is the french word for toy?

jouet is the french word for toy. If you would like to translate words from English to french, or any language, go to and search Google translate. You will find results there! :)

How do you translate I don't like you in French?

Je ne vous aimepas.

How do you translate Internet to french?

just like how you say it in english, babe

How do you say i like to work in french?

Google Translate it: J'aime travailler

You like man united translate to french?

Vous aimez Manchester United.

How do you translate I love you into French?

Je t'aime. It literally means i like you in English, but that's how the French say I love you.

Can you change the words to French?

Of course! I can help translate words from English to French. Just provide me with the words you'd like to translate.