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Q: Trade brought wealth to a culture. In 100 to 150 words write about at least two advancements that wealth brought to ancient Egypt and explain what impact these advancements had on the culture.?
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The Ancient Egyptians used many technological inventions which helped to make their work easier Name five of these advancements and explain how they were used?

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What role did Greeks epic and mythology play in culture?

The role of Greek epics and mythology was to explain the nature of the world and the basis for their culture. They help in understanding the religious and political institutions of Ancient Greece.

What role did Greek epics and mythology play in the culture?

The role of Greek epics and mythology was to explain the nature of the world and the basis for their culture. They help in understanding the religious and political institutions of Ancient Greece.

What are albanians known for?

They are the most ancient nation in Europe,the "Greek" culture which u spread all over the world like "Greek" is pure old Albanian culture,from Troy war ,Aleksander the great,what ever is build in ancient time ,Dodona ,panteon,etc but i no nerves to explain to ignorantes which no read no one book.Albanians culture and language is spread every were .

Will you explain the Mesopotamian culture?

The mesopotamia culture surrounded religion

Which best explain the term marginalization?

When a larger culture slowly weakens another culture

What is the purpose of greek gods?

The Greek gods gave the ancient Greeks a way to explain things they didn't understand. For example, the ancient Greeks used the myth of Persephone and Hades to explain the seasons. When Persephone was with Hades in the Underworld, she was miserable. So her mother, Demeter (goddess of agriculture) , kept everything from growing, causing winter. When Persephone was with her mother, she was happy, and Demeter brought summer to the world.

What was mythology used for in ancient Greece?

They are the religion of the ancient Greeks.

In your own word explain what you think culture how is cuture created what changes culture why and how how does geography influence culture?

Culture refers to the beliefs, values, practices, traditions, and behaviors shared by a group of people. It is created through a combination of historical, social, and environmental factors, such as interactions with other cultures, technological advancements, and changes in social norms. Culture changes over time due to factors like globalization, migration, and generational shifts. Geography influences culture by shaping the resources available to a community, affecting their way of life, customs, and traditions.

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Why did the ancient create myths?

The ancient Greeks created myths because to explain the gods' actions.