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Q: To stop further aggressive moves and its worldwide spread of communism the united states in 1947 adopted a policy toward the soviet union of?
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What did Truman hope to accomplish with the Truman doctrine?

The Truman Doctrine was based on the U.S.A's fear of communism taking over the world. The main goal of the Truman Doctrine was to stop communism from spreading further ( containment of communism) this was to be achieved by promoting ( more like fighting for) democracy in countries that were falling to communism. Truman believed his goal would have been accomplished when the whole world was rid of communism and became a democracy instead.

What was the purpose of the southeast Asia treaty organization?

The purpose of SEATO was to block further communist gains in southeast Asia.

Why did soviet leader Gorbachev pursue glasnost and perestroika?

Gorbachev pursued perestroika because it was also known as the end of the Communist Era, when he abolished Communism in Russia. Glasnost was pursued to further open up the political system in Russia.

What is was the purpose of the Truman Doctrine?

President Truman believed the US needed more than a "get tough on the Russians" policy following the war. Russia's history was one of expansion as much as possible and the Soviet Union was following that same idea. Because of the desire of the Soviets to expand westward, and the fact that Stalin had a pathological mistrust of the US, it would be impossible to come to a peaceful settlement with the Soviets. Thus, the policy of containment, developed by George F. Kennan of the State Department, was adopted by the Truman administration. The policy would allow communism where it already existed, but would use all force necessary to prevent any further expansion. In other words, communism would be "contained" where it presently existed. The Doctrine was first used in support of democratic governments in Greece and Turkey.

How far did America achieve her aims in Vietnam?

The US involvement in the Vietnam War was to rule out and hopefully stop comunism from spreading in a dominoe effect. Which were the plans of the North Vietnames, to further spread communism to South Vietnam.

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What was the alliance called that the US signed to prevent the further spread of communism in the far east?

the u.s. signed a treaty with south Korea to stop the spread of communism in the far east. if aisa falls to communism, the rest will fall to communism.

What are some characteristics for a Communism government?

You usually have to worship someone and follow communism laws. No more further information. I'm too lazy. :/

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What was the southeast Asia treaty organization?

The Southeast Asia Treaty Organization was primarily created to block further communist gains in Southeast Asia.

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The Korean war started because of communism. North Korea wanted to make South Korea a communist country, so they invaded.

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The attempt of noncommunist world powers to prevent further spread of communism to other states was called a?

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What policy developed by diplomat George Kennan was dedicated to preventing the further spread of communism throughout the Cold War?


What did Truman hope to accomplish with the Truman doctrine?

The Truman Doctrine was based on the U.S.A's fear of communism taking over the world. The main goal of the Truman Doctrine was to stop communism from spreading further ( containment of communism) this was to be achieved by promoting ( more like fighting for) democracy in countries that were falling to communism. Truman believed his goal would have been accomplished when the whole world was rid of communism and became a democracy instead.

What are the common goals and failures of socialism and communism?

Socialism and communism are alike in that both are systems of production for use based on public ownership of the means of production and centralized planning. Socialism grows directly out of capitalism; it is the first form of the new society. Communism is a further development or "higher stage" of socialism