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Q: Three of these moved the ship through the water?
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How did the Viking ship move?

Te they moved by travelling on water

What did the clipper ship Guiding Star look like?

A clipper is a fast-sailing ship used in the early maritime days. It had three masts, was square-rigged, and the hull was designed to slice through the water.

What does the nose on the front of a ship do?

It cuts through the water...

How does ship's speed log work?

A ship's speed log measures the speed of the vessel through water by measuring the movement of the ship through the water. It typically consists of a rotor or impeller that rotates with the movement of the water, which is then recorded by a sensor to calculate the ship's speed. This information is crucial for navigational purposes and monitoring the ship's performance.

How was goods moved in the middle ages?

they were moved by ship and travel

If you travel by ship through the panama canal which two major bodies of water will the ship sail through?

Pacific ocean and Atlantic ocean

How do ship float in water?

Ships float due to the principle of buoyancy, which states that the weight of the water displaced by the ship is equal to the weight of the ship. This is achieved through the design of the hull, which is shaped to displace enough water to support the weight of the ship. When the weight of the ship is less than the weight of the water it displaces, the ship will float.

How does ship move on water?

Ships move through water by harnessing the power of engines (such as diesel or steam engines) to turn propellers, which create thrust that propels the ship forward. The shape of the ship's hull also helps to minimize resistance and allow for efficient movement through the water.

Why does a ship floating on water move?

A ship floating on water moves because it is propelled forward by its engines or sails. The propulsion generates a force that allows the ship to overcome water resistance and move through the water. Additionally, the design of the ship's hull allows it to displace water and move forward efficiently.

How do you spell the sound of ship?

The sound of a ship is usually spelled as "ship." If you are looking for an onomatopoeic representation of the sound of a ship, it is often described as "whoosh" or "swish" as it moves through the water.

How does the bow of a ship influence water resistance?

The shape and design of a ship's bow can affect water resistance by impacting how water flows around the hull. A streamlined or tapered bow with less resistance can help the ship move through the water more efficiently, reducing drag. On the other hand, a bulky or blunt bow can create more turbulence and resistance, making it harder for the ship to navigate through the water.

Where was the propeller in the ship?

The propeller or the "prop" or "screw" is the device that propels the vessel through the water by spinning , this is different from a jet drive, which sucks in water and shoots it out to push the vessel through the water.