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Q: This type of government is characterized by the ruke of many?
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Which type of government characterized by electors who choose people to make decisions for them?

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Which type of government is characterized by electors who choose people make decisions for them?

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This is a Democracy. It is what form of government that used in the United States of America. It's a style of government that is characterized by direct involvement of the people.

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What type of government that the Romans used which included the senate and elected officials who helped make laws?

The type of government you are inquiring about is the republic.The type of government you are inquiring about is the republic.The type of government you are inquiring about is the republic.The type of government you are inquiring about is the republic.The type of government you are inquiring about is the republic.The type of government you are inquiring about is the republic.The type of government you are inquiring about is the republic.The type of government you are inquiring about is the republic.The type of government you are inquiring about is the republic.