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The Domino Theory was the driving force behind the Kennedy administrations actions in Vietnam.

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Q: This theory was the driving force behind the kennedy administrations actions in vietnam?
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What theory was the driving force behind the Kennedy administrations actions in Vietnam?

The Domino Theory

What were the goal of The Eisenhower Kennedy and Johnson Administrations during Vietnam?

Communist containment.

Who promoted the entering of USA to the Vietnam War?

History indicates the administrations of President's Eisenhower and Kennedy.

What actions did Kennedy take in 1963 regarding Vietnam?

Kennedy supported a coup in South Vietnam.

Who was the president you had while the vitnam war?

The U.S. involvement in the Vietnam war stretched from the administrations of Kennedy through Ford. The majority of the War occurred during the Lyndon Johnson and Nixon administrations.

What can be assumed about Kennedy's actions in dealing with the Vietnam War?

He would pull American troops out as soon as it was possible.

Who was Secretary of defense during Vietnam war?

Robert McNamara, (Kennedy and Johnson Administrations). Clark Clifford, (Johnson Administration). Melvin Laird, (Nixon Administration).

What famous people from the us were involved in the Vietnam War?

Presidents John F. Kennedy (JFK) and Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) were the driving force behind the Vietnam war.

The conflict in Vietnam involved the administrations of how many US presidents?

Five presidents played a part in the conflict. Eisenhower started sending in military advisers. Then Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon and finally Gerald Ford got the US out of it.

Who did Kennedy send over to Vietnam?

Kennedy was asked to send additional troops to Vietnam. He sent additional troops and military advisors over to Vietnam to help.

US involvement in Vietnam was reduced during the Kennedy administration?

False, US involvement in Vietnam was not reduced during the Kennedy administration.

How many troops where in Vietnam during the start of Kennedy's presidency?

There were not any troops in Vietnam during the Kennedy administration. Just 500 military advisors. Kennedy was assassinated before we sent troops