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Q: This 46 yr. old man I'm dating for 2 yrs and have not met his family but he disrespects my family and I in public and says it's all fun but I'm not laughing anymore?
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Is dating your dad's first cousin ok?

Dating a first cousin, even if it is your dad's first cousin, is generally not considered socially acceptable in many cultures. It may be legal in some places, but it can still carry a social stigma and is often frowned upon due to concerns about genetic relationships. It is important to consider the potential impact on family dynamics and seek legal advice if necessary.

What was a jesters responsibilities?

Jester's had to entertain the lord, hes family and guests after dinner in the Great Hall. They made jokes about the people laughing at him and about what is going on in the world. Jokes and songs could be rude and the jester would not get in trouble. Jesters had the right to speak their mind and do it in a funky way.

Who is better- north Indians or south Indians?

I believe that all Indians are the same because both my parents were born and raised in S. India, but my dad's heritage is N. Indian and my mom's family is S. Indian, but go even further in my family, and you aren't in India anymore. Remember: N. Indian+S.Indian= USA Midwestern. Racism should end and let world peace dominate our lives.

Is there a law that would prevent a 17-year-old girl from dating a 20-year-old boy in Illinois and what rights would they have?

The age of sexual consent in Illinois is 17 unless the couple are members of the same family unit (including step relations) or the older one has a position of authority over the younger. There are no laws against DATING. There are law regarding sexual contact, but that's a different issue. However, since the 17-year-old is a minor, Mom and Dad are in charge. If they say she can't date a 20-year-old, then she can't. If Mom and Dad are okay with you dating, then there's nothing for you to worry about.

Why was Wilt Chamberlain traded to the lakers?

Chamberlain forced the trade himself for several reasons. Coach Hannum left the Sixers to be closer to his family. Chamberlain wanted a more modern lifestyle. Being around celebrities, sunny weather, dating white women. All of that was possible in LA.

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What does it mean if your boyfriend is mean to your family?

It means he is not very respectful, and if he disrespects your family it is only a matter of time before he disrespects you too.

Who is Kartoon in the EECO family?

laughing hippototamus

What do you call family that likes to laugh?

the laughing ididots

What should you do if your 8 years old and your mom and dad are split up and hes dating a woman who threatend you and your family and you cant see your dad anymore and before?

Call the COPS!

Where can family meet with family?

because they don't love them anymore

What episode of family guy did they have a laughing ostrich?

S7e7 my fav! haHA<br />

What do email messages with the subject lines ''sending you all my love'' ''laughing kitty'' and '' you've received a postcard from a family member'' have in common?

Is "laughing kitty" a virus

Why do we have dating websites?

we have dating websites becauses we want family for not finish alone

How do you spell the laughing dog of Australia?

There is no laughing dog of Australia. There is no dog truly native to Australia, although the dingo was introduced by the Aborigines thousands of years ago. The kookaburra is sometimes known as a laughing jackass (but not by Australians). It is a bird, and in the kingfisher family.

Do they make new family guys anymore?


Does The Proud Family come on anymore?

actually,No it doesn't

I have a Boyfriend but we dont act like we are dating what do i do?

heytell your boy that are dating .. not attending a family function