Scientifically, no. Not until another 5 billion years when the sun burns out, but who knows what we will end up building to survive through that. I'm guessin' underground chambers.
No the world is not going to end
The world is not going to end. who ever told you that the world is gonna end that's a lie. i know it was in the newsapaper this week, but only god know's when its gonna end and if it is be prepared but no its not going to end ok
no i dont thihk the world is going to end people said the world was going to end in 2,000
No one knows, but if you are reading this, then the world is probably not going to end today.
There is no scientific proof that the world is going to end in 2012.
No. The world is not going to end.
No the world is not going to end
the world is not going 2 end in 2012 because it did not end in 2000
No the world is not going to end because we believe in the lord that we are going to live till he wants us to live if he created the earth then he will decide when he wants the world to end
is the world going to end on december.23 2012
The world is not going to end in 2012.
they thought the world was going to end in 2012
there is never going to be a end of the world
The world is not going to end. who ever told you that the world is gonna end that's a lie. i know it was in the newsapaper this week, but only god know's when its gonna end and if it is be prepared but no its not going to end ok
no i dont thihk the world is going to end people said the world was going to end in 2,000
I'm just putting what i think and i think no the world is not going to end today
No one knows, but if you are reading this, then the world is probably not going to end today.