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Q: The word which means an ancient temple in the shape of a pyramid built in stepped levels was a?
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What is a zikkurat?

A ziggurat is a massive structure built in ancient Mesopotamia, consisting of a rectangular or square stepped pyramid with several levels. These structures were religious temples at the top and were used for various ceremonies and worship. The most famous examples are found in ancient Babylon and Assyria.

What is a sentence that uses definition context clues to show the meaning of the word ziggurat?

A ziggurat, a type of pyramid, is usually used for religious purposes.

Is a ziggurat and a temple the same thing?

No, a ziggurat is a type of ancient Mesopotamian stepped pyramid structure that was used as a platform for a temple. A temple, on the other hand, is a building dedicated to religious or spiritual activities and rituals. Temples can take various forms and are not necessarily built on top of ziggurats.

What was the stepped mountains made of brick covered earth?

The stepped mountains made of brick covered earth were likely ziggurats, which were ancient Mesopotamian temples built in a pyramid-like structure. These ziggurats typically had multiple levels with a shrine or temple at the top, and were used for religious ceremonies and worship. They were constructed using sun-dried bricks and were an integral part of Mesopotamian architecture and culture.

How would you label a ziggurat?

A ziggurat is a type of ancient Mesopotamian temple tower characterized by a stepped pyramid shape. It could be labeled simply as "Ziggurat" or more specifically, if known, by its location or historical context such as "Sumerian Ziggurat of Ur."

Is there a pyramid that begins with z?

Ziggurat is a temple tower of the ancient Assyrians and Babylonians. The pyramid of Zosor (Djoser) is the step pyramid in what is now Saqqara, Egypt.

Which word describes a ziggurat?

A ziggurat is a rectangular stepped tower, typically associated with ancient Mesopotamian architecture, used as a temple complex for religious purposes.

What monumental works were created by the ancient Egyptians and what purpose did they serve?

the pyramid obelisks the temple of dendera

Did the Ancient Incas have pyramid temples?

As far as my knowledge goes, Incas did not have pyramid temples. They had a sun temple, public buildings, centeal plazas and water systems but no pyramid temples. ONly the Aztecs and Mayans had pyramid temples.

What are ziggarets?

A tall stepped tower built by the ancient Sumerians as a temple to a god.

Use ziggurat in a sentence?

A ziggurat is a pyramid shaped temple tower that rose above each Sumerian city

What is another name for the Temple of Saqqara?

Some called it "The Pyramid of Teti", "Mortuary Temple" and there are others who called it "Pyramid Saqqara Temple".