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Q: The war of roses was between?
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Who were the war of roses between?

the war of the roses were between the house of lancaster and the house of york

What was this family war called between the house of york and Lancaster?

The War of the Roses. Or sometimes the Wars of the Roses.

What war between the English nobility began in the 1400s?

war of the roses

What war between the English nobility began in the 1400?

war of the roses

What was the conflict between the Yorkists and Lancastrians?

War of the Roses

Which two English houses fought in the war roses?

The War of the Roses was a dynastic rivalry between two branches of the House of Plantagenet. It was fought between the houses of Lancaster and York.

What were the countries fighting over in the war of roses?

Countries were not fighting in the War of the Roses. It was a civil war between two royal houses, Lancaster and York. They were fighting over the crown. One complication: the War of the Roses occurred while England was involved in the 100 Years War with France.

The War of the Roses in England brought which family to the throne?

The War of Roses was between the 2 rival families Lancaster and York. Interestingly enough, both families came from the House of Plantagenet. If you go to the Wikipedia article on the War of Roses, there is a family tree near the end that shows all the connections between them.

What are the similarities between the hundred years war and the war of the roses?

They overlapped and sometimes were conflated with each other.

What was the name of the civil war fought between two houses in Medieval England?

That was The War Of the Roses, Fought between the supporters of the Houses of York and Lancaster.

Why was the english civil war called the war of the roses?

the war of the roses was a hundred year war between the house of york and the house of Lancaster, only on the 22nd of august 1485 was it resolved in the battle of Bosworth when Henry Tudor won and Richard III died.

Where did the war of the roses take place?

The Wars of the Roses were a series of civil wars between supporters of the rival houses of Lancaster and York, for the English throne. They were fought in several spasmodic episodes between 1455 and 1487 in England.