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Q: The type of production in which a conveyor belt moves and workers stay in one place is called?
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A method of production in which each worker completes a specific task as the product moves along a conveyor belt?

Assembly Line

What is the key feature of modern manufacturing?

The assembly line (a long conveyor belt)As the product moves down the conveyor belt worker have to assemble itModern Factories use the same elements of mass production that Eli Whitney used more than 200 years ago.

What is assembled on a assembly line?

A series of workers and machines in a factory by which a succession of identical items is progressively assemblesA system of manufacturing where the product moves past several workstations in succession and at each workstation a human worker or a machine performs a small number of simple assembly steps before the product moves to the next station. This requires minimal employee training and usually improves both production rate and product quality.Prior to the assembly line either a small group of workers assembled the entire product from beginning to end and had to be highly trained and very skilled workers, or individual workers carried their tools around the entire factory from product to product to work on each one. Both of these were expensive and inefficient.It's where products are assembled in a factory. All of the components are fitted together by machines and/or workers as the product moves along the line.Assembly line is a noun. It's a process where a combination of workers and machines assemble a product step-by-step in a methodical way. It is sometimes referred to as a production line.An assembly line is a manufacturing process in which parts (usually interchangeable parts) are added to a product in a sequential manner using optimally planned logistics to create a finished product much faster than with handcrafting-type methods.

What actually moves poles or plates?

Usually the poles are moved by strippers or workers of the club. Plates are moved by bus boys,waiters, or waitresses. Very rarely will a pole or plate move by itself because they are inanimate objects.

How did the mount Pinatubo plates move?

The plates involved in Mt. Pinatubo's eruption are called a destructive plate boundary. This means that the plates move towards each other and the oceanic plate is denser than the continental plate and therefore it moves underneath the continental plate. As this peice of land moves underneath this is called the subduction zone, and the plate moves into the magma chamber of the volcano and it melts as magma which forces the magma up the main vent thus causing an eruption.

Related questions

A method of production in which each worker completes a specific task as the product moves along a conveyor belt?

Assembly Line

What is a method of production in which workers add parts to a product as it moves past them?

An assembly line.

What is an object that moves as a result of a machine working?

An example of an object that moves as a result of a machine working is a conveyor belt. When the machine is activated, the conveyor belt moves, transporting objects or materials along its length.

What is the key feature of modern manufacturing?

The assembly line (a long conveyor belt)As the product moves down the conveyor belt worker have to assemble itModern Factories use the same elements of mass production that Eli Whitney used more than 200 years ago.

What is the principle of conveyor belting?

A conveyor belt is an assembly of a belt rotating around two pulleys. Either one or both of the pulleys of the conveyor belt system are powered to rotate; when they rotate, the belt moves as well, transporting the materials on the belt from one place to another.

Why is the hypothesis of seafloor spreading like a conveyor belt?

The hypothesis of seafloor spreading is likened to a conveyor belt because new oceanic crust is continuously formed at mid-ocean ridges, moves away in opposite directions, and eventually subducts back into the mantle at deep-sea trenches. This process is similar to how a conveyor belt moves material in one direction while continually creating and discarding it at different points.

Do you need to get a larger sprocket to slow down a conveyor?

Yes, increasing the size of the sprocket will slow down the conveyor since the larger sprocket will require more time to complete a full revolution compared to a smaller sprocket. This change affects the speed at which the conveyor belt moves.

What does the earth's crust have in common with a conveyor belt?

The Earth's crust and a conveyor belt are both part of a system that involves the movement of material. The Earth's crust moves due to tectonic plate motion, while a conveyor belt moves materials from one location to another. Both involve a process of transferring material from one place to another, just on different scales.

A people moving conveyor-belt moves a 600-newton person a distance of 100 meters through the airport?

This question is not quite clear as to what answer is being sought out. This is more of a statement, so yes, a people moving conveyor-belt moves a 600-newton person a distance of 100 meters through an airport.

What does earth's crust have in common with a conveyor belt?

simple! they both are constantly in motion. A conveyor belt moves in one direction while carrying something. In this same way, the seafloor (which is a part of Earth's crust) is spreading while carrying new lithosphere.

How is a glacier like a conveyor belt?

Glacial meltwater acts as a lubricant between ice sheets and the ground, and, like a conveyor belt, moves the ice sheet.Answered by Kellie H. - 182 days ago at 5:04pm on Oct 24 2012

How does the force of friction act relative to an objects motion?

It will USUALLY pull the object backwards, in relation to the direction of the motion. This assumes that the material with which it has friction, moves slower than the object you are considering. However, if you put material on a conveyor belt, the force of friction, of the object with the conveyor belt, will pull it FORWARD until the object has the same speed as the conveyor belt.