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Q: The two inland seas in soviet union are?
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Which of the following are the two inland seas within the CIS nations?

CIS is the "Commonwealth of Independent States formed from the disintegration of the Soviet Union. The two major inland seas are the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea.

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Which two countries signed a nonaggression pact in 1939?

germany and soviet union

What two countries were involve in the cold war?

United States and the Soviet Union

What are the names of the river and two seas that were found inside the ancient kingdom of israel?

Well the Jordan River was the major river and the Sea of Galilee with the Dead Sea were the two inland seas.

What two countries are involved in the term Sino-Soviet?

Japan and the Soviet Union

Name two Inland seas that are located in Europe?

There is only one inland sea in Europe: the Caspian Sea. Many mistake the Black Sea for being an inland sea, but in fact, it is connected to the Mediterranean Sea.

What seas are around Kazakhstan?

Kazakhstan is a landlocked country, so it does not have any seas surrounding it. However, it does have two large inland bodies of water: the Caspian Sea to the west and the Aral Sea to the south.

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The Soviet Union shared powers of occupation with Germany and Austria.

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America and the Soviet Union

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Soviet Union and United States

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The United States (South Korea) and the Soviet Union (North Korea)