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"Mexicanos al grito de guerra" (Mexicans at the cry of war)

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Q: The title of mexicos anthem
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The title of the potuguese national anthem is "A Portuguesa"

How did fransico gonzalez write mexicos national anthem?

The lyrics were written by Mexican poet Francisco Gonzalez Bocanegra in 1853. In 1854, Catalan composer Jaime Nunó composed the music which accompanies the anthem.

What is the title of the anthem of the USSR?

The title of the anthem of the USSR is "State Anthem of the USSR" in English or "Gosudarstvenny Gimn SSSR" in Russian. It was written by Sergey Mikhalkov and composed by Alexander Alexandrov.

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What is the title of US' national anthem?

The Star Spangled Banner is the US national anthem.

What is the title of the American natiniol anthem?

The Star-Spangled Banner

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What is the title of Bosnia and Herzegovina's national anthem?

'Državna himna Bosne i Hercegovine', literally 'National Anthem of Bosnia and Herzegovina'.

What country has hatikvah as its national anthem?

Hatikvah (התקוה) is the national anthem of Israel. The English meaning of the title word is "The Hope".

Who made the anthem?

The National Anthem was written by Francis Scott Key. The official title of the national anthem is the Star Spangled Banner and it was officially recognized as such on March 3, 1931.

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