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Paddanaran, which is Greek.

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Q: The title for Mesopotamia in Biblical times was?
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Can you make a sentence with the word Mesopotamia?

Much of Biblical history took place in Mesopotamia, the region between the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers.

What is the descriptive title of Iraq?

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Oil lamps were used for light in Biblical times.

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What is the geography in the ancient times in Mesopotamia?

Mesopotamia is an ancient and mysterious place that few have true answers for.

Is Mesopotamia lacated in Iraq?

Yes, in ancient times it was called Mesopotamia but now it is called Iraq.

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What was the country Turkey called in Biblical times?

The country of Turkey in biblical times was called Asia Minor. It was also called Anatolia.

What country was Media in biblical times?

Turkey was Media in biblical times. However, the principal locations of the Median Empire were in Iraq and Iran.

What was Pakistan called in biblical times?

Pakistan was not called anything during Biblical times. That area of the world was referred to as the Persian Empire.

How many times does new testament refer to homosexuals?

Zero times. There was no Biblical Greek word for homosexual nor was there any concept of sexual orientation in Biblical times.