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Stalin imposed a blockade on Berlin for 11 months in an attempt to drive the Western Powers control out of West Berlin. As Berlin was in the Soviet bloc of Germany, he closed off all access to West Berlin so no resources could get through. this included food, coal for electricity etc.. The West Powers did not allow this to stop them and used the three air corridors, which they were still able to use, to supply West Berlin will all it needed. It was a massive airlift with planes flying into West Berlin constantly. After 11 months, Stalin saw that the Western Powers were not budging and ended the blockade.

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Berlin was located entirely within East Germany which was occupied by the Soviets. The Berlin Blockade closed the land routes into West Berlin to starve the city and force the US, British, and French to leave. Truman's response was the Berlin Airlift which supplied West Berlin entirely by air until 1949 when the Soviets lifted their blockade.

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