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Political process of the city-state.

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Q: The quotation above illustrates the importance ancient athenians placed on individual participation in the?
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Pericles Funeral Oration illustrates the importance ancient Athenians placed on individual participation in the what?

In the individual participation in the democracy

The quotation you regard an individual who takes no interest in public affairs as harmless but as useless illustrates the importance ancient Athenians placed in individual participation in the?

political process of the city-state

What was the most important thing to the Athenians?

To the Athenians, the most important thing was their democracy, where citizens had a say in decision-making and governance. They valued their rights and participation in the political process above all else.

Are Greeks and athenians the same?

Although Athenians were Greeks, not all Greeks were Athenians.

Are Greeks and Athenians the same thing?

Although Athenians were Greeks, not all Greeks were Athenians.

Are athenians or Spartans the center of the greek culture?

athenians ;)

What are people from Athens called?

People in Athens Greece, were called Athenians(Ath-inee-ins)

What might have bothered Spartans and Athenians about each other society?

Spartans might have been bothered by Athenian focus on arts and culture rather than military prowess, while Athenians might have been bothered by Spartan emphasis on a rigid, militaristic society that limited individual freedoms.

Where were Athenians rivals from?

Athenians main rivals where from Sparta. They fought in the Peloponnesian wars.

Where were the athenians main rivals from?

Athenians main rivals where from Sparta. They fought in the Peloponnesian wars.

How was family life different for Spartans and athenians?

Because the Spartans had an oligarchy, and the Athenians had a democracy.

How and why did values and attitudes of Spartan culture differ from the values and attitudes of Athenians?

Spartans valued military strength, discipline, and self-sacrifice above all else, focused on creating a strong warrior society. Athenians, on the other hand, valued democratic governance, individual freedom, and arts and culture. The Spartans prioritized a militaristic and austere lifestyle, while Athenians emphasized intellectual pursuits, civic engagement, and artistic achievements.