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The TENTH Amendment - not, strictly speaking, a part of the Bill of Rights - was designed to mollify those who feared that the states would be destroyed by the new government. ~text book~

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Q: The purpose of the Amendment to the Constitution was to mollify those who feared the states would be destroyed by the new government?
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What event caused the Russian Duma to form?

The event that caused the Duma to be formed was an incident known as Bloody Sunday in 1905. A priest named Father Georgi Gapon led thousands of peaceful and respectful marchers to the Tsar's Winter Palace to present certain grievances to him. The Tsar's Palace Guard fired their guns into the unarmed crowd killing hundreds. There was a huge outcry against Tsar in many cities for this savagery. To mollify the people Nicholas issued the October Manifesto which created the Duma and provided for increased personal freedoms. Unfortunately for the Russian people, as soon as they were no longer agitating against the Tsar, he went back on his word and ignored just about everything he had promised.

How was the power of colonial governors limited?

The colonial governors were free to do what they needed to keep taxes rolling into the royal tax collectors EXCEPT they could not set or order their own salaries, which came from those same tax collectors. The colonial legislatures in each colony had the authority to approve or delay as long as they chose, the paying of a salary to the royal governor. In other words, if the governor made the colonists angry, he might never get paid.It was an early power given to the colonials since the king and crown did not want to pay the governor's salaries out of royal tax revenues. The governor was stuck trying to mollify the colonials and keep tax money rolling in to pay the bills, including his own.

How did the united nations avoid world war 3?

World War 3 hasn't necessarily been averted. Especially in these days of almost instantaneous communication and rapid transport, there is always a potential for global conflict of serious magnitude. On the positive side, the same aspects of modern life that make world conflict more possible also help to alleviate the possibility. Negotiation, cooperation between nations, and diplomacy all help to lessen political tensions. Those are probably the primary ways by which problems are averted. On the negative side, there still exist many political tensions in the world which are difficult to solve. There are severe religious and political tensions in the Middle East, and historically, always have been. The problem of nuclear proliferation grows more severe as other countries advance technologically and aspire to join the ranks of more powerful nations. The "Cold War" was a distinct possibility for a "World War 3" with the added threat of massive use of nuclear weapons. Aside from time and careful negotiations (often worked out behind-the-scenes), restraint on the part of the most powerful world leaders seemed to prevent or at least mollify the possible escalation of tensions. Also, most in power recognized the probable horrible outcome of a nuclear holocaust for humanity in general. So, despite the power gained by having nuclear capability, the result of actually using that power has been self-limiting, to some degree. There would be not much point in subjugating another population if, in the process, you destroyed your own. Some conflicts are dampened by smaller wars, such as the war on terrorism in Afghanistan. Preventing radical factions from gaining power, or delaying or degrading their ability to do so, can prevent larger conflicts from happening. So, sometimes war itself can work with diplomacy and negotiation to prevent a larger conflagration from occurring.

Why was Tsar Nicholas II afraid of the Duma at first?

The Tsar was afraid because a democratically elected Duma meant sharing governmental power with representatives of the general population. The Tsars were autocratic monarchs and allowed no interference with or participation in governing the country. The very last thing any such ruler wants is to permit the general population to have a say in how the country should be governed. Some Tsars, especially Nicholas II, felt that they were divinely ordained to rule and that sharing political power would practically be a sin against the Russian Orthodox Church.

What are the names of the 3 ships Christopher Columbus sailed on?

Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria

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Which amendment to the constitution was to mollify those who feared the states would be destroyed by the new government?

The Tenth Amendment to the Constitution was included to address concerns that the powers not delegated to the federal government would be reserved to the states and the people. It aimed to protect the authority of the states by explicitly stating that any powers not given to the federal government are retained by the states or the people.

How do you use the word mollify in a sentence?

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How could you use the word mollify in a sentence?

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What is a sentence using the word mollify?

The frightened child attempted to mollify his angry mother by giving her a big hug. (Pinsker) Max racked his brain for a way to mollify his dads anger.(scared)

What is a sentence with the word Mollify?

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What is a synonym for placate?

quiet, satisfy, mollify, pacify

What is another word for to make peaceful?

To pacify.

Could you give a sentence using mollify in it?

"She was furious about the snowplows destruction of her mailbox, but when the city clerk told her they carried insurance for such incidents, and it would be replaced quickly at no charge, it did mollify her somewhat."

What does the latin word mollis mean?

mollis means "soft" as in the English mollify

What is the antonym and synonym of enrage?

Antonyms: "placate" or "mollify". Synonyms: "enflame" or "infuriate".

What part of speech is mollified?

Mollified is a verb. It's the past tense of mollify.