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The primary weapon used against Native Americans was religion. Religion was the basis for mass exterminations by any means possible (multiple quoted sources) through the 1960's (the forced re-education system was turned over to tribal control).

Biological weapons (the intentional spread of diseases) was the number one weapon, starvation (scorched earth policies of the USA, learned from Texas (The Texas Rangers)) was number 2, and coming in at number three was firearms.

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Q: The primary weapon europeans had against native populations in the new world?
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Why did native american populations rapidly decline during the 1500s?

they died due to europeans bringing over diseases that the native americans bodies were not adapted to.

What connection can be made between European treatment of colonial native population and the character of Caliban?

Caliban, like the colonized native populations, is at first grateful for new ideas and goods but then becomes resentful at his unfair treatment

Why couldn't the Indians' natural disease hurt the Europeans as much as the Europeans' illnesses extinguished the Native Americans?

Europeans be more biologically advanced than them ignorant sky worshipping Indians. Indian populations were more isolated.

How did the arrival of europeans affect the native americans in mexico?

The arrival of the Europeans did not affect the native americans in Mexico.

What best describes a result of the encounter between Europeans and native populations of the latin Americans?

You did not include the statements you were asked to choose from, but the Europeans sincerely believed that their duty was to conquer the native populations and "civilize" them-- this meant converting them to Christianity. It also meant taking control of their lands. Some natives were impressed and in awe of the Europeans, but that quickly turned to regret when it become apparent the explorers had not come there just for adventure, but rather, for conquest. So, one result of the encounter was the two groups met for the first time and in some ways, there was an exchange of cultures and customs. But another result was the subjugation of those native populations, as the Europeans (including explorers from Spain and Portugal) claimed the lands for their home countries.

Related questions

Why did native american populations rapidly decline during the 1500s?

they died due to europeans bringing over diseases that the native americans bodies were not adapted to.

What connection can be made between europs treatment of colonial native populations and the character of caliban?

Europeans used physical punishment to control native populations, just as prospero punishes caliban with physical pain. ---APEXXX

What connection can be made between Europe's treatment of colonial native populations and the character of Caliban?

Caliban, like the colonized native populations, is at first grateful for new ideas and goods but then becomes resentful at his unfair treatment.

What connection can be made between treatment of colonial native populations and the character of Caliban?

Europeans took away the native populations' freedom like Prospero took Caliban's freedom.

What connection can be made between European treatment of colonial native population and the character of Caliban?

Caliban, like the colonized native populations, is at first grateful for new ideas and goods but then becomes resentful at his unfair treatment

What factor is believe to have dramatically reduced new world native populations after contact with Europeans?

Europeans brought deadly diseases to the Americas that Native Americans were not immune to. This killed more natives than war.

Were the Europeans inheritably superior to the native populations they encountered?

No, they weren't. It's true that the Europeans had better technologies in most cases, but they weren't necessarily more culturally, genetically advanced.

Why couldn't the Indians' natural disease hurt the Europeans as much as the Europeans' illnesses extinguished the Native Americans?

Europeans be more biologically advanced than them ignorant sky worshipping Indians. Indian populations were more isolated.

What was the major european contribution to the death rate of native americans?

Europeans brought diseases to the New World that the native populations had no immunity to. That and outright murder are the major European contributions to the death rate of the Native Americans.

How did the arrival of europeans affect the native americans in mexico?

The arrival of the Europeans did not affect the native americans in Mexico.

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What do Native Americans and Europeans have in common

How was it possible for Cortez and other European figures to overcome immense Native American cultures with millions of people?

Guns, Germs, and Steel: European diseases such as smallpox, against which Native Americans had no resistance, severely depleted the native population. Their armies were unable to to defend against the modern weapons the Europeans used; and, the Europeans created alliances with tribes who were opposed to the dominant culture.