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The miners went to California in the gold rush were called 49ers.

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Q: The people who rushed to California to seacrch for gold were called?
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What was a group of people that rushed to California for gold?


What name was given to people who rushed to California following the discovery of gold at sutter's fort?

They were called 49'ers because of the year the rush happened (1849)

Where did people migrate to during the first westward migration in the 1800s?

rushed to Oregan and California

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They were called 'stampeders'.

How did the California gold rush affect the region's admission as a state in the union?

Because there was gold in California, people rushed there to get as much gold as possible. The more gold there is, the more people there is to make California a state.

Could you say that about 300000 people had rushed to California by 1853 Explain why or why not?

yes because it said about and about 250000 people came in the 1850s.

How is the gold rush related to the west?

because people rushed to California because it in the west on hopes of finding gold

People rushed to California during the 19th century because?

Gold was discovered in California, so everyone was trying to find riches.

What is the correct pronoun of The people rushed to the riverbanks to save the boy from drowning?

Examples of the sentence, "The people rushed to the riverbanks to save the boy from drowning." using pronouns are:They rushed to the riverbanks to save the boy from drowning.The people rushed there to save the boy from drowning.The people rushed to the riverbanks to save himfrom drowning.

Why many rushed to California in 1849?

the 49ers were playing.{football 49ers}

Why was the gold rush era called the gold rush era?

Because everyone rushed for gold when it was discovered in California. Cities started to appear in that region because of that.

Why were the people called the 49'ers in the gold rush?

People were called 49ers b/c the gold rush happened in 1849, sum 80,000 people migrating to California in search of gold. People in fewer numbers also migrated in 1848, they were called 48ers.