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The partition of the Indian subcontinent was based on religion, Pakistan had a majority of Muslims, while India had a majority of Hindus.

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Q: The partition of the Indian subcontinent into India and Pakistan after World War 2 was based largely on?
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In 1947 the Indian subcontinent was partitioned into India and Pakistan because?

The British decided to partition the Indian subcontinent because of the conflict that Hindus and Muslims had with each other.

What was the Indian subcontinent partitioned into?

The Partition of India was the partition of the British Indian Empire that led to the creation of the sovereign states of the Dominion of Pakistan and the Union of India on 15 August 1947. The Dominion of Pakistan later split into the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the People's Republic of Bangladesh.

The partition of the Indian subcontinent in 1947 was primarily caused by?

The partition of the Indian subcontinent in 1947 was primarily caused by Muslims distrust of a nation dominated by a Hindu majority

The Indian subcontinent was partitioned into?

India and Pakistan

What did religious differences between Muslims and Hindus in the Indian subcontinent after World War 2 lead to?

The religious differences between Muslims and Hindus in the Indian subcontinent after World War 2 led to the partition of India and the creation of Pakistan in 1947. This resulted in widespread violence, displacement of populations, and loss of life during the partition process.

In what year did the partitioning of the Indian subcontinent into the modern states of India and Pakistan occur?

The British-ruled areas of the Indian subcontinent were partitioned into India and Pakistan in the year 1947 under the Indian Independence Act.

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The Indian subcontinent includes Pakistan, Bangledesh, Bhutan and Burma.

What happened to the Indian subcontinent after India gained its independence?

The subcontinent was divided into two parts - Pakistan and Bharat

Where did this Sikh religion come from?

Sikhism began in the 15th century A.D. and came from Punjab, a region in the Indian subcontinent (since the partition of India in 1947, part of the Punjab has been in India and part in Pakistan).

Which of these is not a city Bangladesh Tokyo Amsterdam New Delhi?

Bangladesh is a country.It was formed from the division of East Pakistan from West Pakistan back in the early 1970s. Both countries were created during the Partition of the Indian subcontinent in 1947. What is now Pakistan was once called West Pakistan, and East Pakistan became Bangladesh.Of the list of places, Bangladesh is the only one which is not a city. It is a country.

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i'm not sure about Pakistan, But in Nepal area, Indian subcontinent's push is the strongest.