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Q: The official written order commanding a person to appear in court to give testimony is called what?
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The official written order commanding a person to appear in court or before another legal body such as a committee of the US congress?

the Congressional Record.

Does the victim of forgery and theft need to appear in court?

It depends on the circumstances and the requirements of the court. In some cases, the victim may be required to appear in court to provide testimony and evidence. However, in other situations, the victim's written statement or previous testimony may be sufficient. It is best to consult with the relevant authorities or a legal professional for specific guidance.

How many times does the word testimony appear in the Bible?

The word "testimony" is in the King James Version of the Bible 76 times. It is in 73 verses.

Is a court order requiring someone to appear in court?

A writ requiring appearance in court to give testimony is called a subpoena.

What is a court order requiring someone to appear in court called?

A writ requiring appearance in court to give testimony is called a subpoena.

Does the victim need to appear in court?

yes for their testimony and for cross-examination during questioning.

Who can issue a subpoena duces tecum in Texas?

A subpoena which requests items be brought with the person is called a "subpoena duces tecum". A subpoena is an order directed to an individual commanding him to appear in court on a certain day to testify or produce documents in a pending lawsuit. The power to subpoena a person is granted officers of the court, such as clerks of courts, attorneys and judges. A person may be subpoenaed to appear in court or any designated location to provide testimony for trial or deposition or produce documents or other evidence.

Are there specific technical requirements the subpoena must meet that make it legal?

A subpoena is an order directed to an individual commanding him to appear in court on a certain day to testify or produce documents in a pending lawsuit. The power to subpoena a person is granted officers of the court, such as clerks of courts, attorneys and judges. A person may be subpoenaed to appear in court or any designated location to provide testimony for trial or deposition or produce documents or other evidence. A subpoena which requests items be brought with the person is called a "subpoena duces tecum".

Do you have to appear for a deposition?

Yes, individuals may be required to appear for a deposition if they are served with a subpoena. It is a legal process where a person provides sworn testimony under oath as part of the discovery phase in a civil lawsuit. Failure to appear when summoned can result in legal consequences.

Is ih a word in scrabble?

No, it doesn't appear in the official Scrabble Dictionary.

How do you prove to court that i have developed major depression due to not see my son for 9 months?

You don't want to appear too depressed because then you won't appear to be stable. You can say to the court how much you and your son bonded when he was with you, and now since he's gone a piece of you is missing. Bring proof of how your son thrived with you to court so they can see if he miss you too. Added: You will probably be required to produce a medical diagnosis and medical testimony from a practicing Psychiatrist or Psychologist. NOTE: In regards to "expert" testimony - written affidavits will not be admissible. You will be required to have your witnesses appear in person. This can be an EXPENSIVE process. Have you attempted to get your rights enforced? see link

What is testimony by affidavit?

An Affidavit is a written statement of facts/events voluntarily made by a person/whitness under an oath or affirmation administered by a person authorized to do so by law. It's often refered to as a "sworn statement". Testimony by Affidavit means that a person's written statement will be used in the legal proceedings rather than them appearing in person to state the facts/events of the subject. Many times persons who are unable to appear in court due to illness, incarceration, being out-of-state, etc. will give a sworn statement (affidavit).