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Q: The official na number of states in the federal side?
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The United States has both state courts and federal courts side by side.

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What side North or South wanted states' rights?

I would expect that all of the States wanted to protect the powers/rights that are designated for them by the restrictions on the Federal Government. The states in the south were very vocal that they felt the Federal government had greatly exceeded its powers and had passed unconstitutional laws. This was much of their basis for secession from the 'Union'.

A large number of Germans immigrated to the United States because?

they were on the losing side of a revolution.

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Which side in the US Civil War had the most States?

At the beginning of the US Civil War the Confederacy was composed of 11 former Federal States. The Union consisted of 23 States. Some of the Union States were slave States. An example is Delaware, where slavery existed, however, Delaware remained loyal to the United States.

What do you notice about the number of atoms on each side of a chemical equation?

In a balanced chemical equation, the number of atoms for each element on the reactant side should equal the number of atoms for the same element on the product side. This helps maintain the law of conservation of mass, which states that mass is conserved in a chemical reaction.

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Describe the relationship between demand-side economics and the federal budget deficit.

How many states were on the confederate side?

11 states were on the Confederate side 20 states were on the Union side There were 5 border states, including West Virginia

Why did both side in the civil war want control of Kentucky?

Probably because it was in a central location between the Confederate States and the Federal states. In many ways it was a key state that, if captured, would have allowed either army to march deep into the others territory. So if the Confederates controlled Kentucky they could use it as a springboard for their armies to march into Ohio and threaten the centre of the Federal states etc.

What isThe most traditional aspect of an official inspection?

Side honors are rendered to the official is the most traditional aspect of an official inspection.

What law states that the number of atoms on the right of a chemical equation is equal to the number of atoms on the left of the chemical equation called?

The law that states that the number of atoms on the right side of a chemical equation must be equal to the number of atoms on the left side is the Law of Conservation of Mass. This fundamental principle in chemistry indicates that matter cannot be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction, only rearranged.