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Q: The nullification crisis concerned South Carolina's dissatisfaction with federal policy on what?
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South Carolinas passage of the Ordinance of Nullification in 1832 was based on the idea that?

States had the authority to ignore federal laws.

What did Andrew Jackson do in response to south carolinas nullification?

Jackson threatened to send federal troops to South Carolina to force them to comply with the law. Jackson did send troops.

The idea that states can reject federal laws is?

The Doctrine of Nullification.

What was south carolinas basic argument basic agrument for nullification?

South Carolina's basic argument for nullification was that states had the right to declare federal laws unconstitutional and therefore null and void within their borders, as outlined in Thomas Jefferson and James Madison's Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions. They believed that the Constitution was a compact among the states and that states had the ultimate authority to determine the constitutionality of federal laws.

Slave owners favored this policy instead of the one that created a strong federal government?


What was calhouns nullification theory?

Calhoun's nullification theory was that if the federal government refused to permit a state to nullify a federal law, the state had the right to withdraw from the Union.

What resulted from the Nullification Crisis?

it strengthened the federal government

The main idea of nullification was that?

State nullification is the idea that the states can and must refuse to enforce unconstitutional federal laws.

What is a state declaring a federal law illegal called?


When Virginia and Kentucky in the late 1700s and South Carolina in the 1830s refused to follow federal law they were practicing?

When Virginia and Kentucky in the late 1700s and South Carolina in the 1830s refused to follow federal law they were practicing nullification.

From 1820 to 1865 the debates over nullification tariffs and the spread of slavery into new territories concerned the issue of?

States' rights vs. federal power. Nullification debates centered on whether states had the authority to reject federal laws they deemed unconstitutional. The spread of slavery raised questions about whether new territories should be slave or free states, highlighting the conflict between states' rights to determine their own affairs and federal regulation.

In what ways could the doctrine of nullification have made it difficult for the federal government to operate?

The Doctrine of Nullification held that states had the right to declare null and void any federal law they deem unconstitutional.