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The national government's control of Immigration is an example of Inherent Powers.

An inherent power is an authority that isn't passed down from anyone else, but which is naturally (inherently) yours. In governments this is often interpreted as the authority to do things that aren't delegated by the constitution or laws to anyone else.

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Q: The national government's control of immigration is an example of?
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What is a example of nativism?

The adoption of a quota system to limit immigration to the US.

What is an example of European supranationalism?

European Supranationalism is a method of decision-making in multi-national political communities wherein power is transferred to an authority broader than governments of member states. The first Community of Coal and Steel was agreed only for fifty years.

Why is the government called the federal government?

The national governments of many countries (US, Canada, Australia, Germany etc...) are called "federal" due to those countries being federations. A federation is a country composed many states that have federated, meaning they have given some portion of their authority (sovereignty) to a central (federal) government in order to better achieve common goals. The term is used to contrast with the governments of the individual states.AnswerThe "Federal Government" refers specifically to the national government, being exclusive of State and Local administrations. State and local governments are often referred to as one thing (think of college classes; one for US Government meaning Federal and another class for State and local government)The U.S. Constitution establishes a government based on "federalism," or the sharing of power between the national, and state and local governments. Our power-sharing form of government is the opposite of "centralized" governments, such as those in England and France, under which national government maintains total power.While each of the 50 states has its own constitution, all provisions of state constitutions must comply with the U.S. Constitution. For example, a state constitution cannot deny accused criminals the right to a trial by jury, as assured by the U.S. Constitution's 6th Amendment.

The Portuguese control of Macau and the British control of Hong Kong in China are examples of what?

it's an example of imperialism.

How many letters in cebuana lhuillier control number?

example of control number in cebuana llhul ier

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What is an example of the national government's control of immigration?

Passports and Visas.

Government control of immigration is an example of?

The national government's control of immigration is an example of Inherent Powers. An inherent power is an authority that isn't passed down from anyone else, but which is naturally (inherently) yours. In governments this is often interpreted as the authority to do things that aren't delegated by the constitution or laws to anyone else.

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The power to tax and control immigration is an example of reserved power.

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In the United States, state governments can claim no inherent powers. The power to control a national border, for example, is an inherent power.

Government control of immigration is an example of what?

inherent powers

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Concurrent powers

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to be smarter

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Limits on Immigration

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