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It depends on the location of the tribe and the language they spoke.

Early settlers in eastern North America were mainly in contact with Algonquian-speaking tribes who used terms for a chief rendered in English as "sachem" or "sagamore" :


Delaware (Lenape).........................sakima




Mohegan.........................................sôcum, sôcumôk





The English word "chief" was always applied indiscriminately to any native leader, whether they were simply a temporary war leader, a band chief or a tribal elder. White people have never been able to understand the complex system of leadership in many native tribes. Today it has become a term of insult used by ignorant people for any native American and should be avoided.

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Q: The name was given to certain Native American leaders?
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A name given to certain native American leaders?


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They name native American because they are born American

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Cheyenne is a given name for a female and it is of Native American origin. It does not have any meaning in Greek because it is a Native American name. In Native American it means an Algonquian tribe of the Great Plains.

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The phrase 'First Nation' often refers to native people of any given land. Native American or American Indian for example.

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There are none.

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Many non-Native American people call a male native American person a "Brave." This term is a general term for all tribes but each Native American language has a different term for males in that tribe.

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The simplest answer is all of them. To date there is no single "promise" (treaty obligation) given by the United States that has been honored.

Is native American Indians the same as middle American Indians?

"Native Americans" is the name given to those who lived in the Western Hemisphere on the North and South American continents, before its discovery by the Europeans."Middle American Indian" is a more specific type of Native American whose tribes roam mainly in the middle region between North and South America.

Why were the India's called native Americans?

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