England was our opponent.
Adlai Ewing Stevenson was the opponent to Dwight D Eisenhower (DDE)
French soldiers
A gladiator didn't have the authority to "ask". He would simply pause when he had subdued his opponent, look at the audience and the Emperor and receive a thumbs up or a thumbs down. "Thumbs up" his opponent lives. "Thumbs down" his opponent dies.
Which war??
"Sent his opponent flying" is used when someone defeats a person in a game. They aren't actually "sending them flying", it is an exaggeration meaning "they were utterly defeated".
Encounter an unexpectedly formidable opponent after having become accustomed to mediocre opponent.
The denotative meaning of adversary is one's opponent in a contest, conflict, or dispute.
They 'can' attack directly, meaning they are free to attack the opponent's monsters instead if you wish.
a person,group or force that opposes or attack opponent,enemy or poe
One who contests; an opponent; a litigant; a disputant; one who claims that which has been awarded to another.
You are not allowed to hit your opponent in the back The other word for it is free fighting.
the battle might be won for Macbeth, however for his opponent they have been defeated.
It is an Australian expression meaning to feign sleep or death, in order to deceive an opponent
The opponents are the Aged people opponents--- meaning enemies Answered by: The Corrector
It is an Australian expression meaning to feign sleep or death, in order to deceive an opponent