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electricity and internal combustion engine

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Leone Cormier

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Q: The major changes of the second Industrial Revolution were in the development of .?
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What changes were made to US labor during the second industrial revolution?

The changes were unskilled and skilled

Where did the second Industrial Revolution began?

the first industrial revolution took place in englan and the second industrial revolution in germay the second industrial revolution is also called the technology revolution.

What was a result of the proliferation of patents in the late 19th century?

The period of industrial development in the late 19th century is known as the Second Industrial Revolution or the Technological Revolution. It featured the development of mass production, and the production line.

How many parts was the industrial revolution divided into?

The Industrial Revolution was divided into two distinct parts: the First Industrial Revolution, and the Second Industrial Revolution.

What areas were the major industrial breakthroughs made in the second industrial revolution?

Major industrial breakthroughs were made in chemistry and steel during the Second Industrial Revolution.

Was the cotton gin made in the first or second Industrial Revolution?

it was in the first industrial revolution.

When where and why did the industrial revolution begin?

The first Industrial Revolution, which began in the 18th century, merged into the Second Industrial Revolution around 1850, when technological and economic progress gained momentum with the development of steam-powered ships, railways, and later in the 19th century with the internal combustion engine and electrical.

When and where did the Industrial revolution begin Why there?

The first Industrial Revolution, which began in the 18th century, merged into the Second Industrial Revolution around 1850, when technological and economic progress gained momentum with the development of steam-powered ships, railways, and later in the 19th century with the internal combustion engine and electrical.

What was the primary construction material during the Second Industrial Revolution?

Steel was the primary construction material during the Second Industrial Revolution.

What country did the second Industrial Revolution begin?

England. British people started the industrial revolution

In What Areas Were major Industrial Breaking News Made in this second Industrial Revolution?

Major industrial breakthroughs were made in chemistry and steel during the Second Industrial Revolution.

What did the second Industrial Revolution combine?

industry and transportation