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Q: The lives of African Americans improved after they moved to the North?
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Barack Obama is a famous African -American

What was one similarity and one difference between the lives of free African Americans in the north and slaves in the south?

one was free one wasnt and they were both African's

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There were no free African Americans in the south. In the north they were free but still discrimination kept them from expressing themselves and having rights.

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What laws controlled the lives of African Americans in the 1800?

Slavers. In the 1880's the African American Americans worked as slaves.

How did the war change African Americans lives?

it is because yeah

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How did African Americans seek improved their lives once they gained their freedom?

they bought some land and sold their crops for money sold alot for little money for meds. they still had to pay for the crop machine

Who painted portraits of the daily lives of African Americans?

Jacob Lawrence

What would happen if the declaration included freedom for African Americans?

than african americans would have normal lives back than during slavery.