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Q: The leader of the British rebellion called?
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What was the Irish rebellion agains British rule called?

Easter Rebellion

What was the rule called The Irish rebellion against British?

Easter Rebellion

Who was the most radical leader in the early years of anti-british rebellion?

Samual adams.

What was the Irish rebellion against british rule called?

There were at least two: The Rebellion of 1798 and the Easter Rebellion of 1914.

Which person was the MOST radical leader in the early years of anti-british rebellion?

Samual adams.

Which person was the most radical leader in the early years of anit-british rebellion?

Samual adams.

Causes and effects of Pontiac's rebellion?

this revolt was called Pontiac's Rebellion although the Ottawa war leader Pontiac was only one of many organizers. British settlers reacted with equal viciousness, killing even Indians who had not attacked them.

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Justin Cox is the proud leader of the Brotato Rebellion.

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The rebellion that led to the closing of courts in Massachusetts was Shays' Rebellion, named after its leader, Daniel Shays. The rebellion was eventually crushed.

Is there a leader of the British Isles?

No, there is no single leader of the British Isles. What is called the British Isles has a number of countries and they each have their own leaders. The British Isles is a geographical reference, not a political one.

Which British wartime leader was called Winston?

Winston Churchill

What was the rebellion against british rule?

Easter Rebellion