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Britain to war

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Q: The issue of belgian neutrality sent who to war?
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England entered the war against the central powers because of?

Germany's violation of belgian neutrality <<<>>>>

What brought Britain into War World 1?

The German violation of Belgian neutrality (invasion of Belgium).

How did geography influence Washington's decision to issue the Proclamation of Neutrality?

Geography influenced the decision to issue the Proclamation of Neutrality because the war was a European war in which the United States had no interest.

What were the long term resons why Britain went into world war 1?

they had a big navy and used a violated belgian neutrality to enter and fought Germany

Why did Great Britain declare war against Germany?

Because German troops had crossed the border into Belgium, contravening a longstanding treaty that guaranteed Belgian neutrality.

What happened to the weapons sent to the Resistance in World War 2?

Many of weapons sent to the French and Belgian Resistances in World War II were intercepted before reaching their intended targets.

What was the significance of the German march across Belgium?

In violating the Belgian neutrality, the Germans marched through Belgium to attack France. This action greatly influenced England's entrance into the war.

What did Washington issue in 1793 warning Americans to avoid any acts that would aid any of the nation's at war?

Proclamation of Neutrality. Your welcome :)

What did Washington issue in 1793 warning Americans to avoid any acts that would aid any of the nations at war?

Proclamation of Neutrality. Your welcome :)

Why UK in World War 1?

The United Kingdom joined World War I after Germany violated Belgian neutrality via invasion. In the same treaty that Germany signed, the UK promised to defend Belgium if attacked. There is also the semi-alliance Britain was in with France and Russia, who had joined the war.

Who did the German government blame for the start of world war 1?

The Austrians blamed Bosnian Serbs, and Germany told them to take a tough line. Later, Germany blamed the British and their 'scrap of paper', guaranteeing Belgian neutrality.

When did the neutrality act start?

There were 3 neutrality acts. The first one was in 1935, the second in 1936, and the third in 1937. Neutrality act of 1935-no shipment to countries at war. Neutrality act of 1936-no loans to countries at war. Neutrality act of 1937-no arms to opposing sides of the Spanish Civil War.