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Q: The island was home to who before exploration began during the 17th century?
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Yes. Ireland is an island so in the 12th century it was the only way to get to Ireland.Yes. Ireland is an island so in the 12th century it was the only way to get to Ireland.Yes. Ireland is an island so in the 12th century it was the only way to get to Ireland.Yes. Ireland is an island so in the 12th century it was the only way to get to Ireland.Yes. Ireland is an island so in the 12th century it was the only way to get to Ireland.Yes. Ireland is an island so in the 12th century it was the only way to get to Ireland.Yes. Ireland is an island so in the 12th century it was the only way to get to Ireland.Yes. Ireland is an island so in the 12th century it was the only way to get to Ireland.Yes. Ireland is an island so in the 12th century it was the only way to get to Ireland.Yes. Ireland is an island so in the 12th century it was the only way to get to Ireland.Yes. Ireland is an island so in the 12th century it was the only way to get to Ireland.

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ellis island