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The invasion of Poland by the Russians was scarcely even noticed. What grabbed all the headlines was the invasion on the 1st September 1939 by the Germans. On the 3rd Britain & France declared war.

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Q: The invasion of Poland by Russia and who else triggered the world war?
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Germanys invasion of this country triggered world war 2?

Poland, on 1 September 1939

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What event triggered the World War 2?

Hitler's invasion of Poland in 1939.

What major event triggered World War 2 in Europe?

Germany's invasion of Poland.

What event triggered the start of world war ii?

German invasion of Poland 01 Sept 1939

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The war is generally accepted to have begun on 1 September 1939, with the invasion of Poland Slovakia

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Germany's invasion of Poland started it on the 1st of September 1939.

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Japan's invasion of China and its attack on the US at Pearl Harbor. Italy's invasion of Ethipoia. Germany's Invasion of Poland and Russia.

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How did Poland benefit from the German invasion?

Poland suffered terribly from the German invasion in World War 2, and this is the first time I've ever heard anyone suggest that Poland might have benefitted from the German invasion.Afternote:Under a pre-war deal between Germany and Russia, Russia scored the eastern half of Poland, moving in after the Germans had defeated the Polish army. The Polish officer corps was captured by the Russians and massacred at Katyn Forest, making it easier to dominate Poland when Russia occupied it at the close of World War 2.